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COVID-19 Information

The Judith Svalander School of Ballet is committed to providing the safest environment possible as we continue to hold in studio classes. We will continue to monitor the latest news and guidelines about COVID-19. With the health and safety of our dancers and faculty as our priority, the following protocols and guidelines are mandatory for all dancers, parents, and faculty. 

JSSB Building Health & Safety: 

  1. The lobby area is closed to parents, caregivers & siblings. Young dancers will be checked in at the door. 

  2. The dressing rooms are off limits except for faculty, company & advanced dancers. Dancers will enter the building and go directly to their studio.

  3. Dancers will only bring the items they need into the building. (see suggestions below).

  4. The office staff will have emergency contact information for each dancer and will be available for answering phone calls, e-mails and passing along messages to your dancers.

  5. The building surface areas and restrooms will be cleaned multiple times during the day.

  6. Ballet barres will be cleaned before and after classes. The studio will provide wipes and sanitizer spray to ensure all areas are kept as clean as possible.

  7. Hand sanitizer will be available, and its use encouraged throughout the day.

  8. To allow for proper sanitizing and cleaning between groups, we have time scheduled between different levels to clean the studios.  We have also staggered class start times to limit the amount of people in the lobby.

  9. If a student is asked to stay home from school due to possible exposure, we would require the student to stay home from dance as well. We do not want to risk any possible exposure to the students or staff members at the studio. 

  10. If, for everyone’s safety, we return to all ZOOM classes, there will be no refunds issued. 

  11. Due to limited space, we are not able to offer make-up classes. 

JSSB Dancer Health & Safety: 

  1. Dancers may not arrive earlier than 10 minutes before class. They must come dressed and ready for class with their hair done.

  2. Face mask will be optional.

  3. Dancers are asked to bring only a small bag with their essential items for the day. (see suggestions below) These bags will be kept under your spot at the barre. Creative Dance students will not need additional items but can bring a water bottle if they choose.

  4. Dancers are encouraged to practice social distancing in the studio at all times.

  5. Dancers must clean all dancewear and masks (if a dancer chooses to wear one) each day.

  6. It is important for dancers to keep up on their daily hygiene. All grooming including trimming of nails is done at home. 

  7. Anything that a dancer brings into the studio must leave with them. 

  8. Dancers must bring their own water bottle(s).  A water bottle refilling station is available for all dancers. 

Illness, Positive Test & Quarantines: 

Students, teachers, and staff who have symptoms of illness, such as influenza (flu) or COVID-19, should stay home and be referred to their healthcare provider for testing and care, regardless of vaccination status. Staying home when sick is essential to prevent spread to others. 

You must stay home if in the last five days you: 

  • had a temperature (must be fever free for 24 hours to return) 

  • have been sick (must not have vomited or had diarrhea in the last 24 hours to return) 

  • are named as a close contact by anyone or have been around someone with Covid-19. This includes a car, house, school, classroom or any confined space.

If someone in your home has tested positive for Covid-19, even if you are negative, you must stay home until 6 days after that person's test date

If you test positive for Covid-19: 

  • you must stay home for five days after your test date 

  • you may return on the 6th day from your test date—if you are symptom free as    updated by the CDC standards. 

What to bring in your small essential dance bag Level I & Up: 

  • Dance Shoes & Dance Skirts – only the ones needed for that day 

  • Additional Face Masks (if dancers are choosing to wear one)  

  • Water Bottle(s) 

  • Band-Aids, Safety Pins, Kleenex etc. 

  • Travel size hand sanitizer or hand wipes 

  • Additional hair accessories 

  • Small bag to put any trash or dirty items in. (dirty masks, used Kleenex etc.) 

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